Thursday 21 October 2010

Little snippets of old art journal

Well the last time I went back to my parents place in Japan, I brought back some stuff with me...My old room has been changed long ago, all my books and personal stuff has been either pushed in build-in dresser or just been left where they were and piling dust on…so I figured I should take anything that’s dear to me before they get lost or damaged.
I managed to pack some of my favorite perfumes I had to leave behind when I left for UK and my art materials in my suitcase. Some classic wooden stamp set, my Venetian style glass ink pen, and me and my friend's old art journal call "A" book. Since it's so old and somewhat falling apart, I was little afraid of moving it around. Although the journal ( with all the delicate papers glued on plus paint) was suffering from the poor storage condition and humidity of Japanese weather, I decided to bring it back to UK with me.
As some of you might noticed, this is the journal where half of my arts on Deviant Art Gallery comes from LOL My friend has twin journal call “P” book. Back when we were in high school, we used to swap these two journals every month or so to do few pages of art or story or anything we fancied related to Anne Rice novels and her characters, sometimes we worked on same pages. We eventually fall out of the A.R fandom and when we decided to move on, we both kept one journal each, the one with most art work of our own.
Anyway, so these two journals haven’t been side by side for many years. We lived in different countries for few years after we graduated University but now we both live and work in UK. Apparently she also packed her journal to be shipped to UK the last time she was back in New Zealand. So I’m looking forward to seeing the long lost "other half" of journal again and going through both scrap books together with my friend! Nostalsia of old days...

Story, card and collage by Artemesia

Art by me, poetry by Artemesia

A collaboration work (picture/collage by me, card by Artemesia ...)

Another collaboration work...

Pages added in later years by me...
Illustration by me

Artemesia's art & idea, left half page completed by me in later years..

I've been invited to do a guest blog at the TVC Art Gallery, some of my VC fan arts been featured there. The gallery is full of classical paintings and images mentioned in A.R. book plus some works done by fan artists!


charinthecity said...

The P book arrives on Monday...

Endymia said...

Awww really?! neat!